Marketing Resolutions

Questions to Consider Before Joining a Network Marketing Company!
I wanted to share some questions you should ask yourself before joining a network marketing company. There are a lot of people joining network marketing, some in smart companies and some in not so smart companies. So if you are looking into a company right  now then you need to consider these things before you join!

1) IS THE COMPENSATION PLAN STRONG? Most have abandoned the old school way of binary comp plans, you know, ones where you only get paid off a lesser leg and even if you brought in a hitter, it wouldn't matter if they were not on your right leg. (who wants that headache)

Is this a product you will constantly be defending on why it is more magical and better than its grocery store counterpart or all the other MLM's that have a very similar product?

3) IS IT IN A HIGHLY REGULATED INDUSTRY? There is yet another brand new wave of cellphone MLM's, even though throughout history they have NEVERdone what they said they would do. They always promise Free service or at least a lower bill...that is, after you pay the fee to change your service and then of course, go with a lesser carrier with terrible coverage (Yes, I know this happened years ago, and trust me, there are brand new ones saying the same thing now, just ask them when they will have AT&T...NEXT MONTH!) LOL

4) IS THE TIMING RIGHT? I can tell you, Americans and people around the world are NOT interested in buying overpriced consumables right now. They are certainly interested in making money and saving money.

5) IS THE PRODUCT IN AN INDUSTRY THAT'S CONSTANTLY CHANGING? This is the number one reason why you shouldn't join technology MLM's.

To Your Success,

Jessica Moffitt
Skype: Jeca31985

3 Things to Remember in Network Marketing
It Takes........................

It DOES NOT happen over night. Plug into a system and WORK HARD!



Ezine Advertising Tips that you NEED to KNOW before spending any money.

REMEMBER: Not ALL Lists are created equal!

1. Look for good quality websites and content...Subscribe to
  the ezine and make sure the content is good.

2. The only ads worth running are SOLO ADS.

3. Keep it SHORT and ENTICING.



6. Hold on to the WINNERS



Today's Marketing Tip:

Okay today's strategy has to be one of the easiest ones,
perfect for newbies and those with little technical skills.

I think most people are aware of the hundreds of FREE
ad websites on the internet.

Many network marketers start out by posting FREE CLASSIFIED
ads on many of these sites.

Some have gone on to really master this technique and
can generate THOUSANDS of dollars in income just by placing
simple FREE Classified ads online.

DO NOT ignore this simple strategy.

YOU WILL get results BUT you MUST be consistent.


Don't just put out 10 ads and expect any results.

You need to have a plan to post 10, 20, 50 ads every day
on multiple sites on a consistent basis. This shouldn't
take more than 30-60 minutes each day.

You also need to focus on only the most popular, highly-
trafficked websites with your TARGET MARKET.

We've put together some of the top Classified Sites for
you to use in your training center...Enjoy,

Get Free Access Here:

Take MASSIVE ACTION my friend!

There's really no excuses when its this easy!




Why Network Marketing will ALWAYS Work!!

Some people truly believe that network marketing really doesn’t work. To put it lightly, they’re WRONG. I am going to take the next couple of minutes to explain to you why network marketing will always work so that the next time anyone takes the time to try to tell you that network marketing doesn’t work you explain to them how misinformed they really are.
Here is reason why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work:
Even in a strong economy people will ALWAYS need
additional income:
The real truth is most people live pay check to pay check. They
aren’t able to buy the nice things that they want for
themselves and their families. There is and will always be a
increasing DEMAND for more money. Network marketing is a
simple, part time and low risk way for full time workers to
fill this need. To put it simply, as long as people need
money network marketing will ALWAYS be there to fill that
People will ALWAYS want freedom from jobs they don’t enjoy:
Despite what you might think, there are people out there that
really don’t enjoy their job. They go to work because they
have to and not because they want to. Network marketing
offers a promise of true financial freedom. The ability to
leave the 9 to 5 working corporate world. This freedom will ALWAYS be
to tempting to let pass up.
People will ALWAYS want more free time to do with as they
Did you know in a past poll conducted by Money magazine that
64% of American men and 68% of American women polled said
that if they had a choice between more money and more time
off they would choose the time? People cherish their free
time. Network marketing offers the promise of working from
home and making your own hours. Again, the opportunity to
create free time will ALWAYS attract people to network
As long as people crave time, money and freedom network
marketing will ALWAYS work and exist.
The next time that anyone tries to tell you that network
marketing doesn’t work you know that they couldn’t be more
All you have to is ask your accuser 1 of 3 questions:
Do you want more money?
Do you want freedom from your job?
Do you want more time?
I guarantee they will answer yes to one of these questions.
When they do they will have proved exactly why network
marketing will always work!


Marketing Tips to Remember

Just wanted to share a few marketing tips that I learned recently and is really changing the success of my business in a great way!

Hope you will take these and implement them first into your mind and then into your business. Enjoy the success it will bring!

1. Do you realize most people fail in network marketing because they fail to take action!

2. Believe in what you're doing!

3. Ask, "What can I do to make this work and deliver the kind of results I am desiring?".

4. Have a long term mindset! doesn't happen overnight!

5. Plug into a system and give yourself time to absorb it and ...apply it.

6. LEARN EVERYTHING you CAN and share what you learn with others.


8. Keep your goals in mind. Remember WHY you are doing what you are doing!
To All of Your Success,

Jessica Moffitt

Skype: Jeca31985


3 Successful Blog Marketing Tips

Found this video to share some pointers on blogging. Enjoy!


10 Critical Success Elements of an Internet Business

  1. Demand
  2. Target Market
  3. Personal Branding
  4. Traffic Generation
  5. List Building
  6. Conversions
  7. Affiliates
  8. Recurring Revenue Streams
  9. Multiple Streams of Income
  10. Joint Ventures
To find out how to incorporate these elements into your business please Click Here.